Monday, August 30, 2010

Mon and I long weekend in London

Just last week mom and I spent the weekend together in London. I love spending alone time with her, she is lots of fun. We did a lot of walking, visited museums, saw WIKED!!! we both loved it (Leslie, I would have loved having you there). I think is the best Broadway show I have yet seen. The price was a little high, but I am cheap, so 1 dollar is too much. Nevertheless, it was worth it! The one worthy note to mention is that the theater had no air, so it was a little uncomfortable. That day we also visited an art museum that was very crowded but enjoyable.

The same day of the theater Jenny and I spend about an hour in one of the parks sleeping. No, we were not homeless, we were just too tired, so we found a nice tree and slept on the grass under it. Very enjoyable as well. We were woken up by a band playing a ways a way, so we got up and got closer to the band so we could hear the music, fun!

On Sunday we wanted to go to church but were not able to because we woke up way too late. Instead we rented a car and drove through the "country side", go figure, right Yayo? We went to see the 5 thousand year old stones know as "Stonehedge" Very interesting and very glad we saw it. We drove from one little town to another on the very narrow country roads. The houses were just beautiful (Hannah you would have loved all the tutor) (Belly, you would have loved all the bricks) Mom was an excellent guide as I focused on the left hand driving. We ended the day up at one of the ports. we walked through some of their naval museums and we stopped to have dinner at a fish and chip place (FEEFRY!!!). It was great! We then drove to a beach, which was not much of a beach given that it did not have sand but gravel. We sat by the beach for a while and enjoyed people watching and the big ships that went by. All and all an enjoyable drive.

The next day we spent the day walking and visiting one of the castles where the Brits house the Royal crowns, Jewels and armory. Very interesting! After that we kept on walking and got to the parks, my favorite! I showed Jenny my favorite gardens and enjoyed the walk looking at all the flowers and arrangements. We were so tired that night that we went to bed early. The only sad part of the day was that Jenny and I wanted to enjoy our favorite food shopping place but it was closed!

The next morning I got up early and took off for the Airport to take a flight to Kenya. Jenny did not leave London for Madison until later that afternoon, so she had the opportunity to visit London just a little more than I did.

Overall, what a great weekend! Thanks Jenny for a great time! Got to do it again, maybe PARIS next time?